by neomedhospitals | Jun 24, 2020 | Blog
Do’s and Don’ts to Prevent Heart Diseases Advancing age and family history are the two risk factors of heart disease that are beyond your control. Other than these factors, heart diseases can be prevented by diet and exercise. Even if you have no family medical...
by neomedhospitals | May 9, 2020 | Blog
DELIVERING HEARTCARE THE RIGHT WAY There is no wonder that the heart, the caretaker of almost all of our organs, needs special care and importance. This lockdown may have put a lock on our social activities but not our health. We may think we are having a complete...
by neomedhospitals | Apr 29, 2020 | Blog
Why should you say ‘Yes’ to EECP When the coronary arteries that carry blood to the heart get blocked, it causes the following problems: Severe chest pain Shortness of breath when at rest Excessive shortness of breath while walking Tiredness Usually, the blockage of...
by neomedhospitals | Mar 9, 2020 | Blog
EECP EECP, also known as Enhanced external counterpulsation, is a mechanical procedure where inflatable cuffs are wrapped around both of the patient’s legs. The leg cuffs inflate and deflate, simultaneously synchronizing with the heartbeat. EECP is an alternative for...
by neomedhospitals | Feb 9, 2020 | Blog
DIFFERENT WAYS FOR A HEALTHY HEART When it comes to heart disease, India has the leading cause of death for more than three decades. Various reasons contribute and lead to cardiovascular diseases such as:- Smoking Drinking Unhealthy diet/ improper diet High blood...
by neomedhospitals | Jan 18, 2019 | Blog
“Modern cardiology has given up curing heart disease”-Caldwell B Esselstyn, MD This is a shocking statement considering an impressive array of treatments available to today’s heart specialists. With coronary artery bypass surgeries, angioplasty,...