Dr. L. SivabalanDirector & Chief ConsultantDr.Sivabalan, the chief consultant says - our hospital is already treating cardiac patients with non-invasive technology using EECP. Now we are the Pioneer in India and among the few in this world to bring in ESMR and also said the new technique would give a new lease of life to heart patients having few treatment options. When you combine conventional and alternative medical practices the result is integrative medicine. Integrative care combines mainstream medicine and proven holistic or alternative therapies to treat patients more effectively. Patients who incorporate integrative medicine into their treatments are often happier with their results. It is the practice of healing the person, not just the disease.Integrative Medicine, Preventive Cardiology, Chelation Therapy, Bio Oxidative Therapy (England), Insulin Potentiation Therapy (Mexico), Member - American College of Advanced medicine (ACAM)M.B.B.S.,Dc.OT, CCP, MCCP, MACCG
ESMR1st TIME IN INDIA, PIONEER THEN LEADER NOWA Non Invasive Cardiac Angiogenesis Therapy
Bypass SurgeryNoHospitalizationNoPainNoAngioplastyNoBye Bye Bypass SurgeryESMR A Non Invasive Treatment
EECP US-FDA Approved Non Surgical Treatment For Angina And Heart FailueX-Plaque Therapy Non Surgical Swiss Treatment For Coronary And Peripheral Vascular Disease3D Catrography Non Invasive Test To Detect Early Coronary DiseaseIPT - Powerful And Gentler Cancer TreatmentOzone Therapy Cleanses And Detoxify Human SystemChelation Therapy Improves Coronary Blood Flow Without SurgeryCare For Better LivingIt's Your Treatment, It's Your Choice
Our Location
View All Our Hospital Location, Visit The Nearest One To Get Personalized Care

2181, 'L' Block, 12th Main Road,
Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600 040.
Phone: +91-44-26201147, 26200882, 43500559
Fax: +91-44-26200631

11, Lakeview Road,
Opp. Sundaram Theatre,
K.K.Nagar, Madurai-625020
Phone: +91-452-2581414, 2581515

New No: 52,
General Bazzar Street,
Trichy - 17.
Phone: +91-431-2791051, 2791052

127/1, Varalakshmi Towers,
Gandhi Road, Salem - 636 007
Phone: +91-427-2311818, 2311819

No.1&2, New Railway Station Road,
Near CRC Bus Depot,
Kumbakonam - 1.
Phone: 0435 2413 055/066, 6450 777

1572 A, Pandurangan Towers, Indira Nagar East,
Vengikal, Vellore Main Road,
Thiruvanamalai-606 604.
Phone: (04175) 233341 / 233342.
No.23/2A, ( Vijaya Bank Building)
S.T.C. College Road, Perumalpuram,
Thiruvanamalai-606 604.
Ph: 0462-4953004, 4953005.
Door.No.3(New) plot.no.78,
Second street, Sithanandha Nagar. Pondicherry- 605005.
Ph: (0413) 2200031, 2200041
Thiruvanamalai-606 604.
Ph: 0462-4953004, 4953005.
Aranmanai. Ramanathapuram
Ph: (04567) 220003, 220004
Our Treatments
We treat the entire range of cardiovascular diseases and many other chronic diseases. Our qualified doctors offering unique and special treatments like, Chelation Therapy / Artery Clearance Therapy, Ozone Therapy, Hydrogen Peroxide IV', X-Plaque Therapy and Glutathione Therapy. The treatments involved for heart attack is safe, effective, non-invasive and an affordable way to improve coronary circulation and myocardial perfusion (blood flow to heart) through a non-surgical approach called Chelation therapy. NEOMED IS A ZERO SURGERY CENTER.

Cardiovascular Cartography is a new non-invasive diagnostic tool with the application of modern technology for the evaluation of functional status......

Arthritis treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and improving joint function.Nucura 100T ems is a non invasive device with the new cutting edge Bio-Energy.....

Obesity is the Mother of all diseases .Obese people are prone to many a health problems such as heart diseases, high blood pressure.....
Centers of Excellence
NEOMED Hospital is a pioneer and centre of excellence in cardiac care, is recognized for its path-breaking work and service to the numerous heart patients, who have benefitted from its internationally renowned specialists. Equipped with highest clinical expertise and cutting-edge medical technology.
Patients Care
For keeping appointments, being on time for appointments, and calling your doctor/hospital if you cannot adhere to the appointment timing. For actively participating in your treatment plan and to keep your doctors and nurses informed of the effectiveness of your treatment.
Our Specialities
At NEOMED Hospital, we believe in quality treatment. Hence, we entrust your health in the hands of some of the most experienced doctors ranging from various specialties. We offer the latest innovations in cardiac care and clinical therapies to patients of all ages to give each patient the best care possible.
Why Neomed
our hospital is already treating cardiac patients with non-invasive technology using EECP. Now we are the first in India and among the few in this world to bring in ESMR and also said the new technique would give a new lease of life to heart patients having few treatment options. He claimed that as of today no such facility existed anywhere else in India.
No Hospitalization
ESMR therapy is a new approach to non-invasive therapy using Extracorporeal Shockwave technology for Myocardial Revascularisation. There is no hospitalization, as the procedure is an outpatient procedure.
No Risk
There is no risk of infection as the procedure is non-invasive. ESMR therapy has no adverse side effects and no risk of complications. in ESMR therapy, as it is an external procedure performed by mechanical means.
No Surgery
Dr.Sivabalan , said that already EECP was a success and now ESMR also in the picture will provide an extra option to the patients who were not the eligible candidates for surgery. Ischemic myocardial areas no longer accessible by conventional revascularization therapies could be treated with the ESMR therapy.
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