Do’s and Don’ts to Prevent Heart Diseases
Advancing age and family history are the two risk factors of heart disease that are beyond your control. Other than these factors, heart diseases can be prevented by diet and exercise. Even if you have no family medical history, it is essential to follow a heart-healthy lifestyle. It can make a big difference in the prevention of diseases.
There is a myth that everyone who has heart disease needs open-heart surgery. It varies from patient to patient. Now, advancement in technology has paved the way for surgery less heart treatment. Heart patients can do well with just medicine, regular exercise, and healthy lifestyle changes. These non-invasive heart treatments can help you manage and prevent heart problems. Here are the dos and don’ts for keeping the heart healthy:
- Maintain a healthy diet:
Your heart doesn’t like saturated & trans-fats and sodium. Limit your salt intake to one tablespoon a day. Eat more fiber, which can be obtained from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Fiber intake reduces cholesterol levels. Limit the consumption of red meat and saturated fat that is found in animal products like meat, milk, butter, and eggs.
- Exercise:
The best way to make exercise a part of your daily routine is to find an activity that fits your lifestyle and take time to do it. Thirty minutes of exercise five days a week is good enough for your heart’s health. But, if you have a problem doing exercise for 30 minutes consecutive, you can divide it into three 10-minutes spurts. Exercise rates up the heart and helps in blood flow. Even you can do brisk or short walks two to three times a day.
- Good posture:
Often, people don’t pay attention to their postures while sitting. Bad postures can affect our breathing capacity and limit circulation. So, it is essential to keep a good posture while sitting for work or something else. Make it a habit to sit straight as poor posture can make you more susceptible to injury.
- Better attitude:
Do you know that chronic stress and negative emotions account for 30% of heart attacks and strokes? Stress plays a key role in developing heart disease. It’s crucial to pay attention to your mental health. You can practice releasing your stress by some small activities, like listening to joyful music, investing time in hobbies, etc. laughing is a great stress buster exercise. It improves blood pressure and overall vascular health.
- Sleep:
Sleeping late at night raises your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Consistency is the key to the heart’s health. A sound sleep of 7 hours not only improves overall health but also helps in weight loss.
- Sitting for long hours:
Today, most people do 9 to 6 jobs, which require them to sit at a desk for a more extended period. Sitting for a longer period is tied to heart disease. You must practice being mobile in every 30 minutes. It will help reduce eye strain from the computer, combat poor posture, and trigger blood flow to re-engage.
- Bottling up frustration and depression:
Today’s hectic life is full of frustration and depression. One must learn to deal with them. Bottling up stress causes ulcers, skin irritations, heart disease, and other major health issues in your body. So, it’s vital that you talk with someone and release stress. If you are struggling with heart disease, you can consult us for the best surgery less heart treatment.
- Neglecting dental care:
The new studies revealed that your teeth and gums say a lot about your heart health. Gum disease causes bacteria that can lead to inflammation in the body. Never forget to floss and brush your teeth twice a day. It would help if you also visit your dentist for a routine checkup.
- Say no to smoking and alcohol:
Smoking kills your heart. Most people say that small amounts of alcohol are good for the heart, but do you know what that small amount should be? Having more than two drinks per day puts you at greater risk of high blood pressure, high levels of blood fats, and heart failure.
- Assuming you are not at risk:
Heart disease may come without knocking your door. Always take the above-mentioned steps to prevent the risk of heart disease. Your heart is safe if you lead a healthy and active lifestyle.