Why should you say ‘Yes’ to EECP
When the coronary arteries that carry blood to the heart get blocked, it causes the following problems:
- Severe chest pain
- Shortness of breath when at rest
- Excessive shortness of breath while walking
- Tiredness
Usually, the blockage of the coronary artery is treated with the help of medicines, angioplasty, and stent or bypass surgery. This condition causes chest pain. EECP therapy is the most effective alternative to bypass surgery. It is a non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical treatment.
What is EECP?
EECP (Enhanced External Counterpulsation) is a treatment for the poor functioning of the heart, and angina. It is considered to be safe in the treatment of heart failure and angina.
During EECP, the high blood pressure like cuffs is wrapped around the legs and buttocks of the patient. The cuffs deflate and inflate between the patient’s heartbeats. The timing between the heartbeats is set with a continuous ECG, which helps the cuffs to inflate when the heart is at rest. This procedure gets the heart its regular supply of oxygen and blood. The cuffs deflate at the end of the rest period of the next heartbeat. The special sensors in the fingers help to check the oxygen level in the patient’s blood. EECP helps in the expansion of the tiny blood vessels and to develop new pathways around the blocked arteries. It increases the blood flow and normalizes the blood flow to the heart muscles.
The benefits of EECP Therapy:
EECP therapy is a safe and non-invasive treatment. It is considered to be a risk-free, and effective treatment for the following reasons:
EECP therapy doesn’t involve surgery and hospital stay; it’s a cost-effective treatment.
- Patients’ can lead to their normal daily routine life.
- Patients feel more energetic and healthy.
- Patients can resume to work and their active lifestyle.
- After therapy patients are able to walk more distances without any chest pain.
- Patients experience fewer or no angina.
- Patients’ will no longer need anti-angina medication.
What makes EECP Therapy an effective alternative to Bypass Surgery?
EECP therapy is commonly called ‘natural bypass’ by doctors. This therapy is comfortable, non-invasive, and safe heart treatment. It helps to stimulate and collateral the blood flow in the entire body. It can benefit people who are suffering from cardiovascular problems like chest pain, coronary artery blockage, hypertension, and heart failure. If you have already undergone angioplasty or surgery and are not getting any relief, then it is the best alternative to bypass surgery.
What should the patient follow after EECP therapy?
After getting EECP therapy, you need to take preventive measures to pause any obstructions in the vessels. These are the tips for you to follow regularly after EECP treatment.
- Regular exercise
- Avoid smoking
- Follow a healthy diet
- Control Weight gain or obesity
- Regular follow up with a cardiologist
EECP treatment enables the patients to experience increased energy levels and a decrease in breathlessness and angina. EECP is recognized internationally and is considered an effective natural alternative treatment to bypass surgery.