IPT For Cancer

Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) is one of the safest and most innovative approaches to treating cancer. IPT is an alternative cancer treatment that has almost none of the side effects such as nausea, radical hair loss, liver damage, and DNA distortion with standard chemotherapy, so it is appealing to patients who recognize the need for chemotherapy but want to do it in a safer, gentler manner.

IPT vs Traditional Chemotherapy Treatment 

One outstanding advantage IPT has over traditional treatment is that a much lower dose of chemotherapeutic drugs are required. IPT more selectively targets cancer cells while affecting relatively few normal cells. Therefore, patients do not suffer the severe side effects that commonly occur with conventional chemotherapy, such as hair loss, vomiting, fatigue and depression. Thus, the quality of a patient’s life is significantly improved in comparison to that of many patients who experienced when undergoing conventional treatment methods.

Mechanism of IPT

Cancer cells derive energy from an unlimited supply of glucose, which they get by secreting their own insulin. They also stimulate their own growth by producing insulin – like growth factors (IGF) these are the mechanisms of malignancy. In effect, IPT kills cancer cells by using the same mechanisms that cancer cells use to kill people.

Insulin, in addition to its ability to help deliver higher – levels of the chemotherapy drugs into the cancer cells, also causes these cells to go into their growth phase where they actually become more vulnerable to the chemotherapy drugs. The cells are hit harder and at a time when they are most vulnerable to the assault, thus maximizing results.

IPT treatment has been reported to Work well for many types of cancers. There are also reports of IPT brining responses and remission to patients with some very difficult cancer, even cancers in late stages. Of course, each patient is evaluated individually, depending upon the type of Cancer, the virulence of the individual cancer cells (their ability to work havoc) and the development stage of the cancer when the patient first comes for treatment.

IPT treatment has been reported to Work well for many types of cancers. There are also reports of IPT brining responses and remission to patients with some very difficult cancer, even cancers in late stages. Of course, each patient is evaluated individually, depending upon the type of Cancer, the virulence of the individual cancer cells (their ability to work havoc) and the development stage of the cancer when the patient first comes for treatment.

 Benefits of IPT Treatment

IPT is tougher on tumours and cancer cells yet gentle on patients, enabling them to live normal, vital life style while being treated.

Treatment requires only hours per day and can be administered in an outpatient facility.

Treatment costs are significantly less than standard chemotherapy protocols.


  1. What is the danger of conventional therapy?

IPT treatment has been reported to Work well for many types of cancers. There are also reports of IPT brining responses and remission to patients with some very difficult cancer, even cancers in late stages. Of course, each patient is evaluated individually, depending upon the type of Cancer, the virulence of the individual cancer cells (their ability to work havoc) and the development stage of the cancer when the patient first comes for treatment.

IPT is very safe and not one patient has ever died from IPT itself. This stands in contrast to the risk of conventional chemotherapy.

  1. Who will be benefited?
    Patients who have not responded to standard therapy and those who refuse to undergo it may choose to try IPT, in hopes of getting results and improved quality of life.
  2. Is IPT just as the chemotherapy my oncologist would prescribe?
    IPT has been used successfully abroad for over 70 years with a good track record of success. Many patients say that IPT is at least as effective as conventional chemotherapy and that it is certainly more comfortable than the suffering they experience with regular chemotherapy. Of course, IPT is not a panacea, cancer reminds a tough adversary, and patient should be aware that not everyone responds to IPT. What cancers respond to IPT?
    IPT treatment has been reported to Work well for many types of cancers. There are also reports of IPT brining responses and remission to patients with some very difficult cancer, even cancers in late stages. Of course, each patient is evaluated individually, depending upon the type of Cancer, the virulence of the individual cancer cells (their ability to work havoc) and the development stage of the cancer when the patient first comes for treatment.4. What will be the patient’s experiences during the treatment?
    During an IPT treatment, a patient can expect to experience a mild hypoglycaemia reaction. The symptoms that can be experienced are hunger, thirst, sweating, stronger heartbeat, or a feeling of apprehension, all of these symptoms rapidly and completely disappear.